
Double Eyelids Surgery in Korea II - Canthoplasties

Previously, I went over different types of surgical methods
to make your eyes look beautiful with Double Eyelid Surgery.
Double Eyelid Surgery surely makes your eyes bigger and prettier but remember the secret tip?
Yes, the Golden Ratio!!!
1:1 Width of your Eyes and Nose makes you look most ♥ Beautiful Proportionally
And Canthoplasty Surgery will help you achieve it.


1) Epicanthoplasty



2) Lateral Canthoplasty

Here are some Before and After Photos:
Cosmetic Surgery is not a Magic (I know, I wish it is too!),
so basically you are going to look like you but with better impression!
 Double Eyelid Surgeries and Canthoplasties might be a Chance of your Life to
♥ Make Your Everyday Beautiful ♥
Please feel free to enquire at w.beauty@pwj.co.kr
or visit http://wonjinbeauty.com for more info

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