
Double Eyelids Surgery in Korea I

According to the artical published by Mail Online in 2012,
" In a bid to change their looks, 20 per cent of women between the ages of 19 and 49 in Seoul, the country's capital city, admitted they had gone under the knife...
...when population is taken into account,
South Korea is now the world's largest market for cosmetic procedures. " (Mail Online)



No Wonder Why Korea Performs #1 Cosmetic Surgery in the World



However, as I posted before, just making your eyes BIGGER or WIDER

isn't going to make you look Beautiful.

First of All, there are two surgical methods to make double eyelids in a big category.

Incisional and Non-Incisional

Choosing a right type of surgical method will lead you to a beautiful and natural looking eyes!

Let's take a close look at the differences of them.

 Incisional Method


Non-Incisional Method


And Here is a Comparison Table of Two Methods

Here are some Before/After Photos!

Eventhough I started with only Two Methods, Incisional and Non-Incisional,
there are actually so many surgical methods like Natural Adhesive, Partial Incisional, etc.
just for Double Eyelids Surgery!
So... what's the best surgical methods to make your eyes look beautiful?
Here is a Last Secret Tip for you if you are thinking about getting Double Eyelids Surgery done.
Visit Cosmetic Clinics, get a consultation with Specialists, and CUSTOMIZE the surgery for


Please feel free to enquire at w.beauty@pwj.co.kr
or visit http://wonjinbeauty.com for more info

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